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Category: Education



Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy recent advisory to the public was that social isolation is linked to an increased risk of death and impending dementia. “Social isolation is as dangerous to your as smoking 15 cigarettes a day “. Socialization is crucial for our well-being, promoting mental, emotional, and physical health. Here are some ways to customize your socialization strategies based on your interests and comfort levels. Make the effort. Try one a week. Just Do! It’s important to consider…

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Holiday Blues Fighters

Holiday Blues Fighters

Tips from the National Institute of Mental Health………Practice makes a habit. Don’t Be Afraid: Switch Up Traditions Don’t pressure yourself into trying to keep up with things that you did years ago. It’s okay to relax and let some things go. This will be better for your mental health in the long run. Say Yes! If you simply get started on doing an activity or attending a social gathering, you may feel better once you get there. You may see…

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HealthCare Prep!

HealthCare Prep!

Patient preparedness in healthcare refers to the proactive actions and behaviors that patients should undertake to enhance their own health. Healthcare preparedness is a valuable approach that empowers you to take an active role in your own health and healthcare journey.  Be Prepared, Be Healthier! Top of Form

Spooky Stat!

Spooky Stat!

Ok.  Here is a Halloween Dare! Learn your Body Mass Index (BMI)! Calculate your BMI to better understand your need for healthy choices. Take your weight and multiple times 703 ……145 x 703 = 101,935 Divide that number 101,935 by your in inches 65 101,935 divided by 65 = 1,568.23077 Divide 1,568.23077 again by your height in inches 65 = 24.12 = your BMI Now, here is often the SCARY PART. These are just numbers but use them, as a…

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Falls brings slow cooking. Think whole grains to add anti-aging benefits.  The entire kernel of grain must be listed to qualify as “whole grain”. Read label carefully, if the label says “refined whole grains”, the bulk of the fiber, iron and nutrients are removed. Freekeh is a type of grain that is harvested young and is usually sold roasted and cracked, giving it a smokey flavor and is one of the highest in protein, with 8 grams in ¾ of…

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Hot Flash or Heart Attack?

Hot Flash or Heart Attack?

Women and men can experience heart attacks very differently. CDC states that the numbers are almost even between men and women having heart attacks annually.  Women’s risk of heart attacks increases after menopause. Can you find the differences? Hot Flash: NEVER drive yourself to an ER or take your spouse.ALWAYS call 911.

Brain Less Traveled

Brain Less Traveled

Occupational and physical therapist that do rehabilitation for stroke patients, find using the “other side” of the brain awakens and strengthens our neural connections in the brain, and may even grow new ones.   The human brain is an organ that benefits through mental stimulation or “exercise”.  The brain continuously adapts, grows, and rewires itself through the growth of new neurons. The brain is an organ that improves through mental stimulation and exercise. The brain will continuously adapt, grow, and rewires…

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Gut microbiota or gut microbiome, play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being and digestive health. Here are five top ways to help support and promote a healthy gut microbiome: Remember that everyone’s gut microbiome is unique.  It’s essential to listen to your body and make dietary and lifestyle choices that suit your individual needs.Go make your gut happy today!



The MIND Diet, which stands for “Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay,” is a dietary plan developed to promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline, including conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. It combines elements of two well-known diets: the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet. The MIND Diet is designed to emphasizes foods that have been linked to brain health. Here are the key components of the MIND Diet: Are you willing to…

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Can You Pass This Balance Test?

Can You Pass This Balance Test?

According to STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries) update in 2022 falls were the leading cause of injury related deaths in those over 65.  Only 1 in 4 report falls to their doctors during any appointment.  Slips, unsteadiness and falls may be the symptom of many things including, medication interaction, poor eyesight, and a neurological imbalance, and inner ear infection, loss of sensation in your feet and legs or even poor shoe selection.  Now be HONEST………1 point for every…

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