Call Jane Gregor for coordination of appropriate services 704 819 1775

 Blake Living  Assisted Living and Memory Care 803 310 4242 blakeliving.com

65 Senior Street  Carol Connor arol@65seniorstreet.com 704-579-4480


CAREPOINT Healther Rahrigs 704 508 9345 Home care Home Healthcare

Centerwell HHC Helen Sizeland  Helen.sizeland@centerwellhomehealth.com 803 417 9748 Home Healthcare

ELDER OPTIONS Scot Tenenbrock  scott@elderoptionsforyou.om 704 942 0650 ADVOCACY

ENCOMPASS sStephany Olsheski 803 207 1952 Inpatient Rehabilitation

FIRST FLIGHT Ann Majors amajors@firstlighthomecare.com 980 355 1958 HC/ HHC

HEALTHSHARE Jane Gregor scclhsrn@gmail.com 704-819-1775

HEART 2 HEART Shelia Caldwell sheilacaldwell@the heart2heartfondation.com 803 524 5671 Health Foundation

Memory and Movement  Janet LeClair  jleclair@mmclt.org 704-517 2385

Your Health Cory Turner ccturner@schousecalls.com 803 431 1200

TLC ( Better Balance)  Libby CK  Tlcsince2005@gmail.com 803-792-4386 Fall prevention

Via Health Partners Kim Cross Crossk@hpccr.org 704 930 9095 Palliative Care Hospice

VISITING  ANGELS Darryl Minges dminges@visitingangels.com 803-610 4200 home care / Home Healthcare

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