
“The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday”

“The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday”

“The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday” is an often used quote for motivational reminder of the importance of personal growth and self-improvement. This mindset focuses on continuous progress rather than comparing oneself to others. Here’s a deeper look at this idea: Personal Journey Everyone’s journey is unique, shaped by individual experiences, strengths, and challenges. Comparing yourself to others can lead to unnecessary stress and feelings of inadequacy. Instead, focusing on your own…

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When the Meaning of Life is to Find Your Gift, Your Purpose in Life is to Give It Away

When the Meaning of Life is to Find Your Gift, Your Purpose in Life is to Give It Away

Life’s journey is a quest for self-discovery, where the ultimate aim is to find and embrace our unique gifts. These gifts, whether they are talents, passions, or skills, define our individuality and potential. However, the true essence of living fully is not merely in identifying these gifts but in sharing them generously with the world. When we recognize our unique abilities, it becomes clear that they are not meant to be hoarded. The purpose of discovering our gifts is to…

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How Gratitude Will Improve Your Well-being.

How Gratitude Will Improve Your Well-being.

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can significantly impact mental and physical health. Here’s how practicing gratitude can lead to healing and overall well-being: Incorporating gratitude into daily life can be transformative. Simple practices, like those above, and mindful reflection on positive experiences can lead to significant improvements in mental, emotional, and physical health. By fostering a habit of gratitude, individuals can experience profound healing and a greater sense of well-being. So, try it for a day then REPEAT and…

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Olympian Tips

Olympian Tips

The Olympics are coming in 27 days!  Try incorporating these Olympian tips into your daily routine for a healthier lifestyle: By integrating these practices, you can enhance your health and well-being, just like Olympians do.

R U Aging Gracefully?

R U Aging Gracefully?

Is ageing gracefully a pipe dream? If you make the following small changes in your life & incorporate into you daily practice…. you will see an improvement. Sail On! Keep your mind active. Learn new skills, read regularly, do puzzles, or take up a hobby to maintain cognitive function. Do as much with your non-dominant hand as possible, every day. Stay physically active. Regular exercise maintains muscle mass, bone density, and cardiovascular health. Aim for a mix of cardio, strength…

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Only Humans

Only Humans

Why does time fly when you are having fun? The brain perceives time based on our expectations. It anticipates the future by calculating the probable outcome of what may be coming next. Our sense of time, according to neuroscientists believe, based in our anticipation of the future outcomes. When you are engrossed in brain stimulating activities your brain anticipates multiple outcomes and then your brain is busy achieving those goals. Brain’s perception of time tied to anticipating future outcomes. The…

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5 Mood Boosters for Humanity

5 Mood Boosters for Humanity

Here are 5 mood boosters that can help lift our human spirits in todays Us vs Them society. Be determined to incorporate these mood boosters in our daily lives, cultivate a more positive outlook and contribute to a happier, more resilient humanity.

Hearing and Balance Connection

Hearing and Balance Connection

Many of your body’s systems play a role in balance but your “vestibular labyrinth” also know as your inner ear is your body’s primary balance organ.  This means that problems with your inner ear can cause both hearing loss and balance problems. Dizziness and vertigo can be caused by several things: inner ear disorders, medications, poor circulations, and blood pressure problems.  Balance Exercises Hearing Loss Communication Tricks Get hearing aids as soon as recommended.  Always, update, as hearing changes. Most…

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The MIND Diet, which stands for “Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay,” is a dietary plan developed to promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. It combines elements of two well-known diets: the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet. The MIND Diet is designed to emphasizes foods that have been linked to brain health. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is the early stage of cognitive ability loss (such as language/hearing/ visual/spatial perception) in…

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Cognitive Reserve: 7 Top Practices

Cognitive Reserve: 7 Top Practices

Cognitive reserve refers to the brain’s ability to improvise and find alternate ways of getting tasks done. It reflects your brain’s ability for finding skills and capacities to cope with problems. This concept helps explain why some individuals are more resilient to brain aging, brain fog & impending dementia. Incorporating the following practices into daily life can help build and maintain cognitive reserve, leading to better mental resilience and a reduced risk of cognitive decline with aging. To follow are…

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