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“The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday”

“The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday”

“The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday” is an often used quote for motivational reminder of the importance of personal growth and self-improvement. This mindset focuses on continuous progress rather than comparing oneself to others. Here’s a deeper look at this idea: Personal Journey Everyone’s journey is unique, shaped by individual experiences, strengths, and challenges. Comparing yourself to others can lead to unnecessary stress and feelings of inadequacy. Instead, focusing on your own…

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When the Meaning of Life is to Find Your Gift, Your Purpose in Life is to Give It Away

When the Meaning of Life is to Find Your Gift, Your Purpose in Life is to Give It Away

Life’s journey is a quest for self-discovery, where the ultimate aim is to find and embrace our unique gifts. These gifts, whether they are talents, passions, or skills, define our individuality and potential. However, the true essence of living fully is not merely in identifying these gifts but in sharing them generously with the world. When we recognize our unique abilities, it becomes clear that they are not meant to be hoarded. The purpose of discovering our gifts is to…

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Spooky Stat!

Spooky Stat!

Ok.  Here is a Halloween Dare! Learn your Body Mass Index (BMI)! Calculate your BMI to better understand your need for healthy choices. Take your weight and multiple times 703 ……145 x 703 = 101,935 Divide that number 101,935 by your in inches 65 101,935 divided by 65 = 1,568.23077 Divide 1,568.23077 again by your height in inches 65 = 24.12 = your BMI Now, here is often the SCARY PART. These are just numbers but use them, as a…

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Gut microbiota or gut microbiome, play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being and digestive health. Here are five top ways to help support and promote a healthy gut microbiome: Remember that everyone’s gut microbiome is unique.  It’s essential to listen to your body and make dietary and lifestyle choices that suit your individual needs.Go make your gut happy today!