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Category: Emergency

Summer and Beer!

Summer and Beer!

Summer is here. Hot weather and cold beer! Drinking responsibly is an important practice to ensure your health and well-being.  We need to be extra careful in the hot weather, as alcohol is a dehydrator. Here are some guidelines. Remember, responsible drinking involves making conscious choices to prioritize your health and safety. It’s important to know your limits, take care of yourself, and be aware of the potential risks associated with more than recommended weekly average.

Loving Your Heart

Loving Your Heart

L According to the National Institutes of Health, heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. Best Valentine gift you can give yourself and your loved one is to take care of the only heart you have! Even small, consistent changes can make a big difference. HDL, High Intensity Lipoprotein (H= Happy) sends cholesterol particles from artery walls back to liver for processing! LDL (L=Lousy) Low Intensity Lipoprotein causes build up and…

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When is Yes the Wrong Answer?

When is Yes the Wrong Answer?

Giving is good, but giving yourself away isn’t. How many of us find it just easier to say Yes!  Is a Yes enabling the other person(s) to not do for themselves? Reason out when saying Yes is an impediment to another’s growth and development. This will take practice. Rewards will be a better personal life going forward for you. TOOLS TO HELP YOU SAY NO: 1. Remember NO is said out of self-love and protection. 2. Don’t answer right away….

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Be A Medication Know It ALL

Be A Medication Know It ALL

Learn Before you start taking any new prescription or OTC/herbal supplement by speaking with your pharmacist. Before taking ANY new drug OR supplement have your pharmacist review the impact on the other meds you are taking. Medications and supplements can counteract each other. TAKE A PHOTO. Make a List, Place the pill next to list medication or supplements as many look alike. Update with any new med or OTC. Pill Container with 2-3 x a day is a MUST, if…

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Red Flags for Prediabetes

Red Flags for Prediabetes

Prediabetes occurs when the body’s cell no longer responds correctly to insulin output. Prediabetes affects 60 million Americans. Check the following and if you are having any make appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Being Overweight The belly fat hinders the processing of insulin. Waist for Men over 40” and women over 35” is diagnostic. Increase Thirst and Urination. Excess glucose (sugar) draws water from the body. Increased water intake does not quench thirst, so increased urination. Tingling…

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Do You Know What These Are?

Do You Know What These Are?

Living Will – A written document that allows a patient to give explicit instructions about medical treatment to be administered when the patient is terminally ill or unconscious. It may also be called an Advance Directive. Five Wishes a legal directive to name all those that will make Health Care Decisions for you. Specifying, loving care, personal and spiritual care in addition to the medical and legal. It allows your caregiver to know exactly what you want; even your favorite…

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5 Tips: Prevent Falls

5 Tips: Prevent Falls

Over 50,000 deaths were attributed falls in 2020. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and no-fatal injuries in the over 65 population. Keep yourself out of these statistics by doing the following: Attend to your environment. Check rugs, low lighting, and pets (may need to be restrained). Wear well-fitting, low heeled, non-slip shoes both indoors and outdoors. Work on strength. Strengthen your leg, hip (gluteal) and calf muscles. These are the muscles you need to catch you fall. Better…

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Learn F.A.S.T.

Learn F.A.S.T.

Learn F-A-S-T: Save a Life. According to American Heart Association studies, speed can save lives. The first thing you learn when researching stokes is speed directly proportional to the rate of recovery.   A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients.  Here are some scary statistics. Everything about a stroke demands speed. The diagnosis must be prompt, and the treatment should be immediate. For every minute a…

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1 – Keep calm, don’t panic. 2 – DIAL 9-1-1. Don’t hang up, until EMS arrives. Try and keep calm. You are going to be asked a few questions, speak clearly. Realize usually within 2 minutes help is being dispatched, while you are on call.         3 – Be prepared for the following questions: Where is the emergency? The emergency is not always located where you’re calling from. Always be aware of your surroundings, to be as specific as…

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Be Prepared!

Be Prepared!

Seriously, be prepared!  Maintenance of a personal updated health history is one of the most important steps to improve your quality of healthcare. A good medical history can literally be a life saver. During the pandemic, having current information completed crucial. Having documented your health information becomes more important, if a family member or HCPOA, needs to step in at a time of crisis. You really do not want to have to come up with all this information, if you…

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