10 Superfoods
The average adult in the U.S, gets almost 60% of daily calories from industrially produced fast and frozen foods. Here are 10 real food superstars, recommended by Nutrition Action, for better health.
- Sweet Potatoes are a great source of carotenoids, fiber and potassium.
- Mangos have Vitamin C, A fiber and potassium.
- Plain Greek Yogurt has twice the protein of ordinary yogurt and can be sweeten with fruit.
- Broccoli is loaded with Vit C, K and folates, so steam or roast.
- Garbanzo beans are so versatile and rich in fiber, copper, folates, iron, magnesium and zinc.
- Leafy Greens like spinach, kale, collards are loaded with Vit A,C,K, as well as iron and fiber.
- Salmon and other fatty fishes are rich in Omega – 3 fats for heart health.
- Watermelon is a nutritional heavy weight with 2 cups carrying 25% of Vit C and Potassium in 90 calories.
- Oatmeal old fashion or steel cut ( not instant) has 4 grams of fiber enough to lower cholesterol.
- Butternut Squash ready for soups, stews or stir-fry has loads of Vit A,C and fiber.
Try and makes these simple additions to your daily diet for a healthier you.