5 Easy Steps to Keep Meds Strai
Consumer Report findings of 2000 seniors over 65 take on average 8-12 prescription medications per day. In addition, supplements, seasonal and temporary prescriptions are added. Approximately 530,000 injury incidents are seen yearly in outpatient clinics due to medication errors.
What can you do to be safe, keep medications in order and receive the benefits that each medication is meant to give?
- Write them down. Keeping a good log of ALL your medications, prescriptions and over-the -counter can be life-saving. All medications do not mix. Update with each new over-the-counter or prescription.
- Determine brand or generic. These may not look alike, however, be labeled differently. Understanding and recognition are vital to safe medicinal care.
- Know Your Pharmacist. Bring a list of everything you take. Ask the pharmacist to review and see what medications may be cross indicated, which should be taken or not taken at certain times or alone. Write the answers down. Most of us are seeing multiple physicians. Each ordering medications. A pharmacist will pick up on any redundancies or contraindications.
- Take a photo. When you get your list completed put a pill, next to the medication and take a picture. Keep on your phone for reference.
- Pillbox Power. Many pills look very similar. When you are loading your prescriptions and supplements refer to photo and divide daily, morning, midday and night medications.
Always report any side effects to referring physician as well as your PC Follow all these strategies for better and safer self-care.