8 Real World Brain Exercises

8 Real World Brain Exercises

  1. Try to do as much with your non-dominant hand, as possible: button, zip, stir, hold a cup, brush your teeth.
  2. Test your recall. Make lists: to-do for the day, grocery list then writes it down. Review. Set aside for few hours. Rewrite the list from memory a few hours later. The more you do the less you will miss.
  3. Do math in your head. Figure out math problems in your head. Extra credit, if you do this while walking.
  4. Create word pictures. Visualize the spelling of a word in your head. Then try and think of 3 more words begin and end with the same to letters.
  5. Draw a map from memory. After you arrive home from visiting g new place draw from new location to home.  Repeat for all new destinations.
  6. Challenge your taste buds. Whenever you eat, try to identify induvial ingredients in meal like herbs and spices.
  7. Refine hand-eye coordination. Look for a hobby that involves fine-motor skills, wood-work, knitting, drawing, assembling puzzles.
  8. Take a cooking class. Cooking uses most of senses of smell, touch, sight, and taste, all working different parts of your brain.

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