- Try to do as much with your non-dominant hand, as possible: button, zip, stir, hold a cup, brush your teeth.
- Test your recall. Make lists: to-do for the day, grocery list then writes it down. Review. Set aside for few hours. Rewrite the list from memory a few hours later. The more you do the less you will miss.
- Do math in your head. Figure out math problems in your head. Extra credit, if you do this while walking.
- Create word pictures. Visualize the spelling of a word in your head. Then try and think of 3 more words begin and end with the same to letters.
- Draw a map from memory. After you arrive home from visiting g new place draw from new location to home. Repeat for all new destinations.
- Challenge your taste buds. Whenever you eat, try to identify induvial ingredients in meal like herbs and spices.
- Refine hand-eye coordination. Look for a hobby that involves fine-motor skills, wood-work, knitting, drawing, assembling puzzles.
- Take a cooking class. Cooking uses most of senses of smell, touch, sight, and taste, all working different parts of your brain.