Catch Your Third Wind
For many, there is a deep sense of weariness at this time of year. If you are looking for a boost, you are not alone. Frustrations and anxiety come at us from many angles, relentlessly it seems. Winter months, surviving the holidays lead the pack. Looking to increase your “Surge Capacity”? How to gain resilience?
- Recognize it is OK to Not Be OK. We are not expected to be prepared, all the time. Understand, we need to soothe ourselves, as we move through this uncertainty.
- Create a challenge. Build your emotional toolbox. Document it. Break out of your slump of accountability. We don’t know where the finish line is . We need to keep setting, adjusting and moving our own finish lines, daily, monthly and in the years to come.
- Think ahead. It is hard to refill your reservoir now. Instead imagine what you will be doing, after? What have taken you for granted? Focus on making small things treasured. List in your toolbox what coming out the other side of this time will look like, plan on what will be enough.
- Make a self-care plan in advance of feeling isolated. We need to plan ahead for the times of isolation. Learn to fill your tools box so when you are in need at a non-resilient moment you go and pull out a tools you know that works.
- Find Resilience. Together we are stronger. Interacting with others is a boost. Human nature is recharged by positive connections. Learn to reach out, as we all get depleted at different times. You may surge, just when another friend or family member needs contact the most.
Remember sharing a problem is half the solution. Reach out and you will get more back than you give. Live Healthy