Forgot Something?
Forgot someone’s name, lately? Gone into a room and forgot what you came in for? I know seriously, who doesn’t?
If you are looking for and easy and quick way to get daily help, here is a great trick.
Starting TODAY do as much as you can with YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND:
- Brush your teeth
- Stand on the non-dominant foot when doing the dishes
- Comb your hair,
- Button your shirt,
- Zip up clothing
- Talk on your cellphone
Your brain on your non-dominant side has been in resting mode. That part of your brain has been unused/underused for a long time. So, WAKE UP both side of your brain and see how much better you function!
Try to incorporate many of these in your daily routine and REPEAT them, you WILL see a difference. Do this for a week, you have nothing to lose. The more you improvise the better the results. Your Memory Will improve!