Hats Haircuts or Tattoos?
Decisions: Hats, Haircuts and Tattoos
This concept is from a psychologist James Clear. He has an intriguing way of simplify seemingly the obvious.
Have a baseline for each day by making these simple decisions.
- Wake up thinking…. Today will be a good day.
- Meeting someone new …I am going to like this person.
- Believing a new challenge will work out, positive attitude will carry you far.
As we move throughout our day, there are three levels of decisions we make each and every day.
During most of your day decisions are like hats. Try one and if you don’t like it, toss it aside. The cost of a mistake is low, so move quickly and try a bunch of hats.
Some decisions are like haircuts. You can fix a bad one, but it won’t be quick and you might feel foolish. Trying something new is usually a risk worth taking. If it doesn’t work out, as time passes, you will have moved on and so will everyone else.
A few decisions are like tattoos. Once you make them, you have to live with them. Some mistakes are irreversible. Maybe you’ll move on for a moment, but then you’ll glance in the mirror and be reminded of that choice all over again. Even years later, the decision leaves a mark. When you’re dealing with an irreversible choice, move slowly and think carefully.”
So, simplify today is this Hats, Haircut or Tattoo decision?