Holiday Blues Fighters
Tips from the National Institute of Mental Health………Practice makes a habit.
Don’t Be Afraid: Switch Up Traditions
Don’t pressure yourself into trying to keep up with things that you did years ago. It’s okay to relax and let some things go. This will be better for your mental health in the long run.
Say Yes!
If you simply get started on doing an activity or attending a social gathering, you may feel better once you get there. You may see an old friend or make a new one.
Don’t Set Unrealistic Expectations on Others
Let go of your expectations. Expectations of others can cause hard feelings. Be glad for the people you see, the gifts or food they bring. That way everyone gets a taste of happiness. Allow things to just happen and don’t put pressure on others to make everything “perfect”.
Let People Close, Know What’s Going On
Let your family and close friend’s knowhow you are feeling. Make sure to let them know that you don’t expect them to make it better. Talk to them about things that you are comfortable with at the moment. Let someone know what you will be doing, even if not going to be “Everything you Always” did.
Change Expectations of Yourself.
If you are the person that is usually responsible for pulling the holiday together, now is the time to delegate. Learn ways to divvy up the tasks. Allow others to do it in the way that they see best even if it’s different than yours.
Don’t Play a Comparison Game of Holidays Past
It’s easy to look back on the “good old days” and get frustrated that the current holiday looks nothing like it. Allow each holiday to be the best that it can be without comparing it to others. Some will be better than others. They can’t all be the same, but OK in the present.
Get Enough Rest
The pressure of the holiday can make it difficult to get enough sleep. There are a lot of activities that need to be completed and places to go. When you are starting to struggle, get out your calendar, to schedule each day, including personal time. Label this “me time”. You could use it to stay home and sleep, watch a holiday movie, read a book, or any other activity that you enjoy
Watch What You Eat
Holidays generally come along with big meals and lots of desserts and sweets. Indulge a little, but don’t let your eating get out of control. If you are feeling down around the holidays, it’s easy to find things to snack on instead of dealing with your emotional pain.
Exercise and holidays do not seem to go together. Just moving enough to energize seems doable. Staying energize is great for both your physical body and your mind. Giving your mental health the venting that it needs from all the stress. It helps to boost endorphins in your brain that improve your mood. It can also help you to get better sleep at night and to release anxiety, tension, and anger that you may be feeling.
Connect With Others
When feeling depressed, many start to seclude themselves from others. Look for ways to connect with others, volunteer. Share your personal gifts of time and energy with others and reap the rewards