Red Flags for Prediabetes

Red Flags for Prediabetes

Prediabetes occurs when the body’s cell no longer responds correctly to insulin output. Prediabetes affects 60 million Americans. Check the following and if you are having any make appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

  1. Being Overweight The belly fat hinders the processing of insulin. Waist for Men over 40” and women over 35” is diagnostic.
  2. Increase Thirst and Urination. Excess glucose (sugar) draws water from the body. Increased water intake does not quench thirst, so increased urination.
  3. Tingling or numbness of hand and feet. Glucose spikes damage small blood vessels feeding the peripheral nerves in the hands and feet.
  4. Dry Itchy Skin. Glucose draws the moisture from your skin leaving it prone to dry, especially on legs and feet.
  5. Blurred Vision Glucose can change the shape of the eye lens making it hard to focus.
  6. Slow Healing Cuts. Excess glucose interferes with the body healing process and its ability to fight infection
  7. Red Swollen Gums. The body’s inability to heal often shows up early in the gum area.
  8. Persistent Hunger. The body’s cells that are not getting enough glucose send a “hunger” signal to the brain.
  9. Lack of Energy.  The body cells are starved for energy-producing glucose, so tiredness
  10.  Falling asleep after we eat.  In the hour or so after we eat our bodies are converting the food to useable glucose so an “Insulin Surge”. Once depleted the body often becomes drowsy after meals.
  11. Mood and Irritability. The spiking and dips of insulin levels often cause restlessness, irritability, or exaggerated emotional response to stress

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