So Long….. Summer Bummers
The summer weather brings joy, with flowers and plants abounding. Prevent the downs sides with a few simple precautions.
- Stinging Insects. CDC says even if you cannot smell flowery scents of soap and perfume, the bugs can so eliminate if you are going outside. If stung pull-out stinger, wash with cold soap and water, place cold compress of ice. If allergic you should carry an EPI Pen and call 911.
- Too Much Sun. Wear 30-50 sunscreen on any exposed skin. Be aware if you are on diuretics, antibiotics and some OTC meds can cause sun sensitivity. Check with your pharmacist. If you do get sunburned take a cool shower and take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen.
- Check for poisonous plants. While walking on trails or in the woods know what poison ivy and oak leaves look like to avoid. If you think you have been in contact with any of these, take a cool soapy shower as soon as possible. Wash the clothes you were wearing. Treat any rash, with an OTC hydrocortisone cream and cold compresses.
- Biting Bugs. Keep mosquitos and ticks from biting you by using CDC-recommended insect replant using 25-30 % DEET. Keep skin areas covered by tucking pant legs into socks. If fire ants are a problem wear close-toed shoes and gloves. Remove ticks with a tweezer. If you develop a fever contact MD to be tested for Lyme disease titer.
- Heat and Humidity. Humidity keeps your sweat from evaporating as do medications like diuretics. STAY HYDRATED If you or someone you are with begins to appear confused, faints, or nauseous these are signs of heatstroke. Start cooling by any means even a garden hose. Cool shower. If symptoms persist call 911.