6 Olympian Tricks

6 Olympian Tricks

See if you can incorporate some of the tips that all Olympians incorporate into every day.

  1. Something is better than nothing.   Do “something” every day that gets your blood flowing.
  2. Prioritize Sleep. Optimize your sleep, set a regular routine.
  3. Your State of Mind Matters. Stay focused on the things you CAN control, like including exercise in your day.
  4. Make protein a Part of Every Meal.  50 grams divided by every meal. Keep sugars and salt to a minimum.
  5. Stick to a Routine.  Consistency is most important. Keep doing little things day in and day out to roll into a successful practice.
  6. Chunk Your Goals. Setting realistic goals is a powerful tool.  Start by walking ½ a mile then increase by 5 houses every day.

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