Beat Boredom
Beating Boredom is a process. Boredom is easily caused by not really knowing the direction your life is taking at whatever age you may be. Many people mistake boredom for not feeing challenged. Let’s try a 31-day challenge to beat boredom.
- Socialize every day!
- Read a random Wikipedia/etc. article each day
- Go to your local library and find an interesting book
- Ask your friends to teach you a skill they have
- Eliminate a bad habit
- Stargazing at night gives perspective
- Wander around your neighborhood, city or world, if able
- Engage someone you do not know in conversations
- Learn a strategy game
- Manage your diet with moderation
- Be a mentor to someone
- Picnic in the park
- Do a good deed
- Write out your bucket list
- Find volunteer work you enjoy
- Create a vision board for your aims and dreams
- Write and sing your own song
- Start a book/movie club
- Cook something you’ve never had before
- Visit an art exhibition
- Solve crossword or sudoku
- Record your history for your family
- Send your friends a surprise snail mail
- Enjoy a sunrise and sunset
- Take pictures of things you enjoy
- Make a family scrapbook include your recorded history
- Surround yourself with energizing people
- Make a CD/playlist of the soundtrack of your life
- Do a random act of kindness, as a secret
- Repeat with the guarantee that you will not be bored!
- Live your life to the fullest. Be healthy. Be Alive.