Over this past year of blogging, I have been reminded of my best three hacks to help you become your best health advocate.

  1. Put your pillow in the dryer on hi for 20 minutes every day, whenever you are sick, and during allergy seasons. Then once a week while you do your sheets. All the virus and bacteria are living happy all day in your pillow and will return “home” to nose while you sleep. Germ free sleeping = a faster recovery.
  2. RECORD all healthcare visits. Learn to put your phone on record. When you are in any appointment, receiving information and or directions, MD, PT, Insurance provider hit record. It is federal law that you can do this, you may not video. Even if you bring someone with you still record. Taking notes is worthless because while you are writing down what they said, they are still talking and you will miss something. Having recorded, when you get home, you can listen and make notes from the recording and look up words you may not understand. 
  3. Use non-dominant hand. This is a learned skill but very worthwhile. As we age our non-dominate side of our brain is sleeping. Post stroke patients have taught us that beginning to use your non-dominate hand has great benefit. Using your opposite hand will strengthen neural connections in your brain, and even grow new ones. It’s similar to how physical exercise improves your body’s functioning and grows muscles. Start by brushing your teeth.

Take these 3 small steps to a better healthier you in 2023

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