Holiday Lifestyle Tweaks
- Enjoy the pumpkin pie but make sure the rest of your meals, are protein grounded, colorful with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Gut the carbs. Slice bread thin, scrape out bread from middle of bagel, (save for breadcrumbs) and don’t eat your pizza crust.
- Devote time to work out. Divide 3-4 hours into your week to MOVE.
- Plan your meals ahead. Cook multi-serving meals 2 times a week. Avoids time in the kitchen, when you are hungry. Just plate and serve, when you are hungry at meal time.
- Size matters. Use a salad size plate. Salad fork, instead of dinner size. Table spoon over soup spoon. Consumption made smaller, automatically.
- Drink 8-ounce glass of water before every meal.
- Learn what really tempts you. Then, do quality over quantity. Indulge in just a small amount of your treat, only when necessity demands.
- After 7:00 pm munching becomes dangerously unhealthy.
- Alternate alcohol with water. Have a glass of ice water for every glass of wine or cocktail.
Reach out for the human connection. Tell folks what going right in your life. Your brain hears it more than once. Your sharing may be the spark that makes a difference in someone’s day. Find Laughter. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins. These are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, which promote an overall sense of well-being and temporary pain relief. Go make someone in your life, belly laugh. Everyone will feel better.