Sugar Satiation

Sugar Satiation

Over the next month, ya know you will be indulging in all the special sugary treats. Here are some facts and fixes from American Diabetic Association on how to handle the sugar satiation in a healthy manner.

  • Understanding that your body will be “normalized” into having to deal with HIGH insulin levels. Insulin is the hormones that allows your body to use/regulate glucose ( sugar) for energy.
  • After glucose levels rise, messages are sent to your pancreas to release insulin.
  • When insulin floods the body your energy will dip. Cycling to continue, the desire for more sweets.
  • The FIX is protein, enough water ( an ounce per 1/2 of your body weight per day) and good fats, will help prevent craving more sugar.
  • Protein and “good” fat help to neutralize the amount of insulin your body uses to break down the sugar (cravings as well).
  • Dehydration is a factor a it is a clue from your body. If you are craving sugar STOP and have a large glass of water first.
  • Reach for fruits, nut, raw veggies and seeds BEFORE you reach for the cookie.
  • The high nutrient foods are harder to digest which keeps your digestion stimulated. Correct protein/water ratio will keep you alert instead of slipping into the after sugar treat nap.

What do you have to lose? If you understand the above and you’ll see your body respond to a healthier new you over the holiday season!

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