Spring Clean Your Diet
Spring is ripe with a variety of healthy vegetables and fruits; many boast impressive nutrient profiles. Take some time to spring clean your diet. According to many health experts eating food, that include the following, to be your food/fuel, can ease symptoms of chronic disease and inflammation in our bodies. Food is literally our fuel. Eat better for a strong, long-term immune boost.
- Broccoli and Cauliflower have vitamins A, C and E
that increase needed antioxidants. - Eggplant and dark berries have anthocyanin,
a powerful antioxidant with anti-viral benefits. - Leafy greens are all lutein loaded for
anti-inflammatory help. - Oranges, mangos and strawberries have vitamin that
will boost white cell production. - Onions and garlic have allium sulfur
compounds that fight germs. - Pumpkin, sweet potatoes and carrots have beta-carotene
to increase immune cell activity. - Red Peppers have both beta-carotene and vitamin
C. - Finally, Yes. Red Wine has catechin which supports antioxidant
activity. One glass a day!
So, spring clean your diet over the next the next months, include, as many of these foods, as you daily fuel. See how much better you feel. Go for small and yummy victories, every day.