Sleep Better Tonight!

Sleep Better Tonight!

A good night’s rest has never been more necessary, yet harder to achieve! Try these tweaks for your evening routine and sleeping quarters to get the good night’s rest you crave.

  • Give your belly a break. Experts recommend staying away from food 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Ease into bedtime. Build a wind-down routine to prepare for a good night’s sleep.
  • Turn off the screens. No TV, computer, iPad, or phone screens, as they suppress melatonin hormone necessary for sleep.
  • Turn down the temp. Optimum sleeping temperature is around 65, as too hot or cold interrupts your REM sleep.
  • Put plug in the jug. Alcohol reduces REM ( rapid eye movement) sleep which is a critical phase of the sleep cycle that supports our emotional equilibrium and our memory retention .
  • Fade to black. Prevent exposure to light to help you sleep more soundly.
  • Sound advice. If you are having trouble due to loud noise look into white noise machines or good ear plugs.
  • Pillow talk. The best pillow for you is the one that keeps your neck spine aligned, and in a neutral position.
  • Reduce work reminders. If your bedroom has also become your office, experts recommend removing work clutter, phones computer for an “our of sight out of mind” concept.


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