Easy Energize-Revitalize Tips
If you seem to be dragging through every day, it may be time to reconsider your point of view. Start by thinking energize, not exercise. Here are some tips to reignite your motivation and start to energize.
- Get out of the house. By walking, biking, swimming or yoga in the fresh air and sunshine offers mood boosting effects and good source of Vitamin D.
- Try something new. Try something new or even adventuresome or totally new: water aerobics, Tai Chi, Pilates, croquet, bocce or horseshoes.
- Get friends and family involved. Energizing with others, means you are less likely to “fall off the wagon”. Even if they have to be virtual, make a plan and stick to it.
- Register for event. Commit to a virtual or in-person event to stretch yourself. Ideas range from signing up for a 5K walk or run or committing to help weed the community garden.
- Drink Up & Eat Right. If you feel energy depleted, first thing, grab a glass of water. Squeeze a half of lime for electrolytes. Remember food is either energy-giving or energy-depleting. Up the protein and limit processed foods.
- Don’t forget the ZZZ’s. A good sleep at the endo of the day, is just with your body needs to restore and repair itself.
Go grab some pep in your step………. energize.